My 4.5 y.o. has really grown up! He's been enjoying Montessori Preschool a lot and getting better at coloring and listening to the teachers. :) I really love the Montessori method and I'm so glad that he's thriving in it! Aidan's also been getting more and more independent. If I can brag a bit, I pick out his clothes for him for the next day the night before, so by the time I go get him in the morning, he's already dressed and his bed is made - he's just reading quietly or playing quietly. :D He's also been so good at helping out with Cara and since his car seat is in the middle, he helps me soothe her when she's crying and plays with her when she's bored. Aidan has also started reading a bit!!! I've been working with him for a while now, doing the alphabet and sounding them out but I think it's finally hitting home! He read the first 2 Bob Books in the 1st set and has been sounding out signs and words on packages. :) I think what really helped was the Starfall website, the Leap Frog Letter Factory DVD & the Leap Frog Talking Word Factory DVD, some random workbooks from the dollar stores, and Eric Carle flashcards we got from Sortfloorbooks (love that site!). He's also been doing better in memorizing his Bible verses - though we've had to throw a little incentive in there for him. Ahem. :) But that is one of the goals we have for the kiddies this year - to get more of the Word in them. It's also been great for me since I haven't been getting into the Word as much as I would like and it'd be great to memorize along with the kids! :)
My 2.5 y.o. has really grown a lot as well! She's been talking more and still pretty bilingual - though she's talking more and more in English since she wants to be like Aidan. :) But we still try to talk to the kiddies in Chinese when we remember. All we really ask is that they understand Chinese - speaking it at all is a bonus. :) Jana is also very coordinated and can color well and even use the scissors well - she's been getting into some Kumon books, like Aidan. Don't worry, these Kumon books are fun! See post here. She is also really into memorizing the verses we've been working - she's actually enjoying it more than Aidan! Haha! Jana can also be found putting together imaginative outfits and "breastfeeding" her baby. :) In terms of adjusting to Cara, she's still having a bit of trouble not being the baby but she's trying her best. ;) I think on the days when Aidan is off to school, Jana is a bit better - Cara is usually napping and I get to spend some one-on-one time with her. I also try to tell her that I love her a lot. Hopefully, it's sinking in! :)
She's my sweet 3 month old! :D She's babbling lots and staying awake more. She's also really enjoying just being with her siblings and watches them intently! She also recently found her hands, so sucking on them as been a favorite pasttime. She's also been sleeping well and I attribute that to the grace of God and to a mixture of the Babywise method and the Baby Whisper Method. There's also a blog that I love that make Babywise more practical and answers some of the questions someone might have when trying to implement the method. I also want to add that Babywise is not the same method that people have talked about in the past where there is a rigid schedule that babies are put on and must follow or else. It's gotten more flexible and even teaches you to figure out how to read your child so you can better know what they need and why they're crying. I feel like it helps you to organize your day and helps you figure out what the baby needs at that point in time. Then, again, I think I really like my mix because it suits my personality, so it's not for everyone! :)
:::Kev & Jackie:::
We recently purchased the Wii and Wii Fit and it has been great! We play some games together - some competitive and some cooperative, and it's been fun! I've also been trying to strengthen my core and lose some baby weight and it's been helping me with those goals. I really love how I can workout no matter the weather (no more excuses!) and that it's pretty easy to keep to. And another plug for strengthening your core - and this is for you Mommies! I don't know how many times I've struggled with one of the kiddies by either lifting them in a weird position or trying to calm them down from a tantrum and have hurt my back. Then, it takes a while to heal b/c you use your back for almost everything! So, by strengthening your core, not only do you have flatter abs, you will also hurt yourself less! I've done Pilates DVDs in the past, which was good, but got tired of the videos I have - the Wii has a bunch of strengthening exercises and helps you to have good form. Anyhow, regardless of what you use, definitely try working on your abs this winter! :)
We're also trying to go to bed earlier since Cara is still feeding at night and it's going ok - my goal is 10pm but it's been more like 11pm with working out and household stuff. I've also figured out new ways to do some of my chores (like rinsing the dipes at night and getting them into the washing machine to wash in the morning, switched to Tide HE powder so diaper laundry is less tedious, etc) , so I have a bit more free time. I've also been trying to get into the Word more, so I've picked up The Busy Mom's Guide to Bible Study by Lisa Whelchel. (Check out the imperfect ones for a cheap copy!) It's, at most, 15 minutes and gets you in the Word fast and it has a blank page for journaling, which is what I used to do anyways. I've found it highly doable and it gets some of the Bible in my mind for the rest of the day! So, if you're in the market for a new devotional, check this one out!
Alrighty, I should really go to bed....cheerio! :)
hey jackie! it's jen lin, i really enjoyed your post! also i can totally relate to your cara post since isaac is about the same age, and also discovering his hands! :D and you use cloth diapers?? wow, go you! why'd you decide that route and not disposable?
Thanks so much for writing, Jen! You know I love reading comments. :) I got into cloth diapering (CDing) b/c I got all environmentally-conscious when I had Aidan but now it's more of a hobby! LOL! But I still use disposables when I'm out for a while! If you are ever curious about CDs, lemme know! :)
Hi Jackie! Your children are beautiful! Party hopping and participating too so stop in for a visit.
Very nice to meet you and your blog. I have a toddler learning/activity site at www.superfunmama.blogspot.com; I'd love to have you over for a visit. I'm loving UBP. Have a magical day!
Hello! Poppin’ in from The Ultimate Blog Party…all the way from Queensland, Australia! G’Day! I hope you have time to visit my party soon.
I'm giving away Pink Champagne Shower Syrup from Jaqua Beauty...stop on over and enter! Ends April 8. Open to USA.
I want to invite you to the Mommie Daze Virtual Baby Shower that I am hosting May 15 to June 8. This is an international even and there are prizes! Stop by my blog for all the details.
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